Preventive Dental Care
It has been rightly said that prevention is better than cure. But, unfortunately, people tend to ignore their dental problems until they become unmanageable and extremely inconvenient. Preventive dentistry is the branch that deals with the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity. It not only requires the dedication of a dental team like ours at Complete Dental Care of Avon, to provide you with the best dental services but also the dedication of the patient to be more aware of their oral hygiene and know that small habits go a long way in maintaining their oral health.

What is preventive dentistry?
Routine dental checkups, periodic examination of your teeth and gums, taking of radiographs and dental cleaning or oral prophylaxis are the procedures that are included in preventive dentistry. The primary goal of preventive dentistry at Complete Dental Care of Avon is to prevent oral diseases, where we ensure to maximize oral health and appearance.
What is dental cleaning or oral prophylaxis?
Dental cleanings are the professional cleanings that you receive from either the dentist or the dental hygienist. We recommend our patients to establish a cleaning routine based on the diagnosis of your dentist.
Accordingly your dentist will recommend either a routine cleaning or prophylaxis (prophy) or a more involved scaling and root planing treatment.
It may surprise you that plaque deposition occurs even below your gumline. Therefore, scaling removes supragingival plaque or the plaque that has deposited above your gum line whereas, root planing removes subgingival plaque or the plaque that has deposited below your gum line. Once scaling and root planing are accomplished, polishing is done to smooth out the tooth surface since rough surfaces tend to accumulate plaque rapidly.
Why are oral examinations and dental cleanings important?
The plaque that deposits on your teeth is in fact, a soft layer of bacterial deposition. This soft plaque can harden over time to form calculus or commonly called tartar deposits. In the short term, plaque or tartar induces inflammation in your gums thereby causing bleeding eventually leading to loosening of the tooth or tooth loss. Routine dental examinations and cleanings deter plaque build-up and cease damage to the teeth and gums.
Also, routine oral exams help detect dental cavities at an early stage and help restore the teeth.
How is dental cleaning done?
Dental cleaning or scaling is done using a special dental instrument called ultrasonic scaler. The fine tips of the scaler ensure effective plaque removal from all the hard-to-reach areas, while the high- speed water jet cools the device and dislodges the tartar simultaneously. The finishing touch is given by the hand instruments thereby making the whole process quite convenient and relaxed.
Does teeth cleaning hurt?
For the majority of our patients, dental cleaning is a routine and is generally painless. For those who are diagnosed with periodontal conditions such as tooth sensitivity, bone-loss or recession of gumline, we provide local injectable anaesthesia as well as topical or surface anaesthesia to make the procedure comfortable.
Can scaling damage or loosen my teeth?
The most common misconception surrounding dental cleaning and the one that deters most people from undergoing the procedure is that scaling loosens the teeth. However, the reality is completely different. The tartar deposits around the base of a tooth makes it appear bigger in size and more solid thereby giving the feeling that your tooth is sturdy when in fact, the tooth has lost all bone support from the jaw bone around it and it has the potential to fall off. Therefore, it is imperative to remove the tartar and allow the gums to heal and grip the tooth to prevent tooth loss.
How frequently should I get scaling done?
Ideally, a dental cleaning should be done every six months in people of all age groups, who have maintained good oral hygiene and are not medically compromised. For those who are diagnosed with systemic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, or people taking medications that decreases salivary flow are predisposed to periodontal diseases require more frequent dental cleaning.
Gum disease in pregnant females is directly linked to low birth weight and congenital diseases in the neonates. Hence it is recommended that pregnant females get their routine checkup and cleaning throughout the term of the pregnancy.
Individuals who smoke, tend to develop gum diseases faster than those who don’t which puts them at a higher risk, and therefore require frequent dental cleaning compared to others.
The frequency of dental cleaning may vary depending on your oral health. Your dentist at Complete Dental Care of Avon can help establish a routine for you based on your individual needs.

10740 E US Hwy 36, Avon, IN 46123
Office Hours
Monday 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Tuesday 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Thursday 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Friday By Appointment