Remarkable improvements in dental technology has revolutionized the way teeth is replaced compared to some of the traditional means such as full or partial dentures. Dental Implants are the latest when it comes to teeth replacing options.
At Complete Dental Care of Avon, we utilize the latest technologies for dental implants for a more accurate and safer planning of your surgery and the results are the closest you can get to natural, healthy and fully functional teeth.

We can even get your partial dentures and full dentures fixed to your gums using dental implants so that you will not need to worry about your dentures coming off while you eat or speak. Call 317-271-3079 and ask us about dental implants.
What is a dental implant?
A dental implant is a surgical component that is surgically placed in the jaw to act as a false tooth root for dental prosthetics such as crowns, bridges, partial or complete dentures.
It is made of three parts, the implant, the abutment, and the crown. The implant is predominantly a titanium screw-like structure that engages the bone of your jaw to provide support to the crown part. The abutment connects the implant to the crown. The crown is tooth-colored and performs all the functions just like your natural tooth.
Implants works on the biological process of Osseo integration which allows biocompatible materials like titanium to integrate with the natural bone and become part of it.
What is the procedure to get a dental implant?
For teeth implants in Indianapolis and the surrounding areas, the first step is to schedule a consultation with our dentists to evaluate your condition in term of oral and overall health and chart out a treatment plan specific to your needs.
A comprehensive exam is carried out to assess the health of the jawbone to ensure that it is dense enough to support a titanium screw. In case of low jawbone density, a bone grafting procedure is carried out wherein healthy tissues from a donor area is transplanted to the recessed area.
Following this, the implant site is prepared and an anesthetic is used to numb the site and an incision is made in the gums. A hole is then drilled in to the jawbone and an implant is secured in position. A healing cap is placed, and the gums are then sutured back. It takes approximately 4-6 months for the site to heal. During this time, the implant post or screw fuses with the jaw bone.
You may receive a temporary prosthesis to wear or you are free to use your dentures at this time.
When your implant has fully healed and fused with the bone in your jaw, you are ready for your custom-made crown that is placed over the implant. This crown is designed to match the color and size of your surrounding teeth.
What are the risk factors associated?
Once the implant is in place, maintaining your oral hygiene becomes mandatory otherwise, the implant fails to fuse to the bone. Moreover, after the implant is fully functional, you will need to brush and floss it just as your other natural teeth. Premature loading of the implant, fracture of an implant, damage to adjacent tissues like nerves and blood vessels due to excessive heat are some of the complications that can easily be avoided by a well-qualified dental surgeon.
What are the pros and cons of dental implants?
Dental implants are the closest that comes to your natural teeth and therefore, once in place, you will never be able to perceive any difference. Dental implants are far better in convenience factor when compared to dental bridges and dentures. For a dental bridge to replace the missing tooth, the teeth adjacent to the gap have to be reduced in size to act as an abutment for the dental crown which will replace the missing tooth. If a dental implant is used to replace a missing tooth, the adjacent teeth are not altered at all. Similarly, dentures get displaced every time that your tongue moves. If the same denture is clipped on to dental implants, they have maximum stability and retention and therefore maximum convenience.
However, the only downside of a dental implant is the cost factor. These are quite expensive when compared to their traditional counterparts, dentures, and dental bridges.
How do I get started with Dental implants?
To learn more about teeth implants in Indianapolis and surrounding areas, call Complete Dental Care of Avon at 317-271-3079 to set up a personal consultation with our dentists.

10740 E US Hwy 36, Avon, IN 46123
Office Hours
Monday 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Tuesday 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Thursday 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Friday By Appointment